
Chandra Health prides itself on a straight talking, no nonsense, common sense approach. Life is far to stressful, full of pressure and demands for everyone, so why make the simple tasks so difficult when really all it comes down to is good old-fashioned common sense.

Small positive changes to your daily life will help you achieve maximum health and Vitality.

Your health & wellbeing can often be the last item you give any thought to,until one day something starts to go wrong,warning signs are often ignored until you really don't have any choice but to make some simple lifestyle changes for the better.

Most common Health problems:

  • Digestion problems

    - irritable bowel, constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, diverticular disorders, indigestion.
  • Skin conditions and allergies

    - eczema, itchy red or inflamed skin, dry, scaly or cracking skin, acne, ageing, fungal infections, psoriasis, rosacea, excessive bruising, warts, verrucas, calluses.
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    - tired all the time, stress, sore throats, infections, colds & flu, mouth ulcers, headaches, cold sores, anaemia.
  • Premenstrual Syndrome / Menstrual disorders

    - irritability, mood swings, anxiety, depression, bloating, breast pain, fatigue, lack of energy, joint pain, headaches, constipation, diarrhoea.
  • Nerve disorders

    - anxiety, insomnia, neuralgia, shingles, numbness, shooting pains.
  • Weight Gain or Weight Loss

    - depression, anxiety, emotional upsets.
  • Nail problems

    - thick yellow toenails, dry brittle nails that split and grow slowly, ingrowing toe nails.
  • Back, neck or shoulder aches and pains

    - sciatica pain, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, muscle, tendon, ligament aches & pains, muscle cramps.

What you eat combined with where you live and how you think, drink, breath, move, work and play underpin the expression of health and illness. Many chronic illnesses that have been shown to have a genetic basis are mostly triggered by diet and lifestyle changes.

Chandra Health offers a wide range of services from Nutritional Therapy, Weight Loss Coaching,Diagnostic Laboratory Testing, Talking Therapy consultations, Breathing Techniques, Personal Trainer, Remedial & Therapeutic Body Care, Nail Care Service, Facial & Eye Treatments and a full Range of Wax Depilation.

To find out more, please contact us today by clicking HERE.